Friday 11 June 2021

Filthy dreamers


Likewise also these dreamers defile the flesh, reject authority, and speak evil of dignitaries. – Jude 8


John does not mince his words when he speaks of these false teachers. These are the same kind of people that Jesus railed against while He was on earth. They are the ones who on the receiving end of the harshest judgement.


These filthy dreamers are guilty because the


Defile the flesh

Reject authority

Speak evil of dignities


I know I say this a lot, but that certainly sounds like today, doesn’t it? Doesn’t that describe the world we live in?


We live in a world full of rebellion and total rejection of authority. We live in a day when all the desires of the flesh, no matter how perverse, are being fulfilled and glorified. A lot of the nonsense has even crept into the church.


That’s why we have to be aware and always on guard against. We must be diligent on opposing the filthy dreamers before they destroy our churches.

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