Wednesday 25 March 2020

Your moderation

Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice.
Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand. – Philippians 4.4-5

I still have not found a single good word to translate this word that is ‘moderation’ in the KJV, but is is a beautiful word that is a much needed character trait for God’s people. I’ve seen it translated moderation as above. I’ve also seen graciousness and generosity and balance and a few others.

I have to say though that the more I look at it the moreI like moderation. I wish I had a deeper understanding of the Greek word, but I can only go on the little I do know.

I think the notion of being a moderating influence is a good description of our desired impact. In the times we are living with this virus people need to see someone who has a calm, quiet, encouraging, comforting, moderating spirit. While I am not always feel it inside I need to show it on the outside.

We have the rare opportunity to be a calming influence in times of trouble. Moderation is the last thing we often see in social media circles. People take strong stands on one side or the other. What the world needs to see examples of balance and calm from God’s people.

How do we do that? We remember that the Lord is at hand. With that knowledge we can be the moderation and calming that the world needs. We know that our God is at hand – and the world needs to know that as well.

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