Friday 12 March 2021

Lead by example


Shepherd the flock of God which is among you, serving as overseers, not by compulsion but willingly, not for dishonest gain but eagerly; nor as being lords over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock; - 1 Peter 5.2-3


This part of 1 Peter is addressed to pastors and how they are to treat their flocks. We are to watch over them. We do it because we love them and want to care for them. We don’t do it for our own twin, but eagerly. We don’t lord authority over them.


We lead by example.


This verse has application for all of us. We ought to live our lives as an example to the world around us, but it is specifically addresses to pastors because as teachers and undershepherds people are going to watch us.


I’ve seen pastors who try to lead as ‘lords over those entrusted to them.’ They usually get conformity and they can bully people into doing things their way, but they are getting ‘doing’ without a change of heart. All they get is obedient sheep prone to wander when they get the chance.  

If we want hearts to change we lead by example. We don’t expect people to do what we wouldn’t do ourselves.

One of the best examples I have ever seen was a pastor named Bobby Lehn in August, Georgia in the US. I was preaching at his church one and got there a few hours early. The church appeared empty so I kind of wandered around looking for him. I saw the toilet (restroom) door open and though I’d ask the person cleaning the toilet where Pastor was. I hollered in and Pastor Lehn came to the door in shirt and tie and rubber gloves and a toilet brush in his hands. He was very nonchalant about is and took his glove off to welcome me and shake my hand.


To be was the example of servant leadership. I thought about Jesus doing another dirty job when He washed the disciples’ feet. He set the example of humility that his people could follow.


My life needs to be an example. That should make me extra careful about the things I do and the words I say.

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