Sunday 21 May 2006

Resting and waiting

“Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass.” - Psalms 37v7

What is the best evidence that God has given us the right desires and that we are trusting in Him to bring them to pass? As hard as it is, the best evidence is the ability to rest in Him and wait patiently for Him to bring it to pass.

It is like a child who has been told by his parents that they are going to make a special trip. It is not always easy to wait for that trip, even when they know it is going to happen. As the child grows older he should be able to learn to trust parents and learn how to wait for the trip.

Parents may not always be able to carry through on their plans, but God is perfect and His promises are assured. When we finally learn that we evidence our maturity by quietly waiting for Him to do as His says. That is the truest test of whether or not we have really learned to trust.

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