Tuesday 31 May 2011

Satisfied with God

For You are great, and do wondrous things; You alone are God. - Psalm 86v10

You are great. You do wondrous things. You alone are God. That all sounds pretty simple, but at the same time it says so much.

While we pursue all kinds of things to satisfy our perceived needs and while we try to figure things out ourselves we miss the point.

We look for greatness and we forget that we already serve the Great One. We chase after wonders and forget that our God does the most wondrous works. We follow after all kinds of false gods and forget that we possess the only true God of the Universe.

Maybe this is why God addresses the issue of contentment so often in the scriptures. Contentment is choice and a realisation that what God gives us is enough. If we are not content with His greatness, with his wonders, and with Him alone as God chances are we are not going to be content with anything else.

'Be content with what you have,' God says, 'for I will never leave you or forsake you.' Considering who He is, that certainly should be enough. 

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