Wednesday 18 May 2011

No limits

My mouth shall tell of Your righteousness And Your salvation all the day, For I do not know their limits. - Psalm 71v15

It seems like I am coming across a common theme these days. Though it is not always obvious from my perspective, that does not change who God is.

In times when it seems like the bad news keeps rolling in, it is easy to get our eyes off of the goodness.

Yesterday was a day of really good news. We had a couple of very clear, very direct answers to prayer. It should have been a day of pure celebration, but I still found myself focused on a couple of situations where I just can't see any good.

Why does that happen? I really wish I knew.

Look at the psalmist here – 'My mouth shall tell of Your righteousness and Your salvation all he day, for I do not know their limits.'

I guess it all comes down to how choose to see things. I also think the the Deceiver loves to remind us of the negative so that we forget about God's goodness.

Another enemy is the flesh. When I focus on the negative I focus on my own pride and my supposed ability to solve it.

And still I have to deal with the world. When I see things from the world's perspective I replace but a system on the throne instead of God.

The truth is that God's righteousness and His salvation are blessings without number. While every other power is limited, His ability to deal with things in a righteous manner and to continue to deliver is unlimited.

Father, help me to see your limitless righteousness and salvation when things look so dark.  

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