Wednesday 11 May 2011

At all times

Trust in Him at all times, you people; Pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us. Selah – Psalm 62v8

Sometimes it is the simplest truths that have the most impact. I think this is one of those verses.

The first few words seem simple enough – 'trust in the Lord.' Most of us could say that we generally agree and practice that. We tend to trust the Lord. We know that He is in control and that He has the ability to take care of us. We know that He has ways and plans that are not the same as ours, so we can basically trust Him.

It is the next three words that make it tougher. 'Trust in the Lord – at all times.' At least, that is where it gets tough for me. I do really well trusting the Lord in the everyday stuff. I do okay when there are the little difficulties that we face. My truster, however, doesn't normally work so well at those times when it is really hard to understand what is going on.

But the verse still challenges us to trust the Lord at all times. How do we do that?

The nice thing is that the end of the verse has the answer – 'Pour out your heart to Him because He is our refuge.'

We can trust Him at all times because He asks us to pour out our hearts to Him no matter what. He is constantly our place of refuge.

I also like the end of this verse – He is a refuge – for us. He really does care. He doesn't want us to fret and worry and despair. He provided a refuge for us if we could just learn to apply that truth at ALL times, even when things seem dark and hopeless. 

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