Thursday 29 July 2021

The Bride's garments

 Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready.” And to her it was granted to be arrayed in fine linen, clean and bright, for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints. - Revelation 19:7-8


I have never noticed this passage of scripture until we were studying it in our Revelation Bible  study. I love the imagery of the Brides clothing being the righteous acts of the Saints. That means that everything we do today for God makes up them wedding clothes of the Bride of Christ. And that's us! That’s our works.


This is a lovely little note in the midst of all the stuff in Revelation. The church is the Bride of Christ.


Think about weddings for a minute. The bride will do all she can, in most cases, to look her very best for her wedding. In many cases thousands of euro will be spent on the perfect dress and the perfect hair and the perfect make-up and the perfect nails and so on and so on.


Its lovely and I’ll never forget that day that Mary came down the aisle. We had very little money. The setting and the surroundings were simple. We didn’t even have indoor toilets.


But Mary and that dress. The image still takes my breath away.


Okay, back to the great wedding of Christ and His church. The church is arrayed in clothing of the finest linens. Though made pure by the blood of Christ, the works of the saints, add to the glory of this image.


Think of how a bride prepares for wedding. That is the kind of preparation we should be doing now for our future wedding to Him. 

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