Thursday 6 February 2020


speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another in the fear of God. – Ephesians 5.19-21

Submitting to one another in the fear of the Lord.

That kind of summarises our attitude, who what should be our attitude toward each other. It flies in the face of all that most of us want to do. Very few people like the notion of submitting to each other, but here it is in black and white.

Our Christian lives are all about humility and a lack of pride. In relation to others it means putting them first and not having to have our way.I rarely like to submit my will to others.

To put it plainly what this means is that I don’t have to have my way. It means others are more important to me than me. It makes sense when I stop and thinks about what Jesus submitted to for my sake. He left heaven, took on the form of a man, and went to cross for me. I have never had any kind of submission in my life that comes close to that. Submission usually means simple things like doing things for each other. It means that I am as capable of making a cuppa tea as anyone. It means that I can take out the rubbish or brush the floor or whatever else. It means that I submit to help others. It means simple humility.

I don’t have to have it my way.

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