Tuesday 6 October 2020

No rest


Let us therefore be diligent to enter that rest, lest anyone fall according to the same example of disobedience. – Hebrews 4.11

 I think we all feel like we could use a rest right now. It has been a trying few months for us all. The older we get the more we look to that eternal and permanent rest.

 But that rest is not promised to everyone. Some folks go through this life just assuming that it will be find in the end. They miss the rest because they missed the faith. They spend eternity in the worst possible state of unrest.

That’s why we need to be diligent to share with folks that they need Jesus in order to have rest. We must be diligent lest anyone around us fall by the wayside. There is a wonderful rest awaiting. It is a rest that God wants everyone to enter. He has provided a way for us to go back to a Garden of Eden.

 Sadly, too many are going to miss that rest because of the same thing that wrecked life in that garden. Sin closed that garden and sin closes that future rest.

But there is no need to miss. We have the good news of how to get there. We have the charge to share it.

 How are we doing?

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