Friday 2 October 2020

Hard hearts


Therefore, as the Holy Spirit says:

“Today, if you will hear His voice,

Do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion,

In the day of trial in the wilderness, - Hebrews 3.7-8


In just a few verses here we read about two kinds of hearts. First, we read of the need to not to harden our hearts.

 It is more than tragic when we let a hard heart dwell in us. How do we allow this hard heart to develop?  It is a progression. We start by just simply taking God lightly. Something happens to put us off God and we start to turn from God and the things of God. Going to church means less and less so we ‘get nothing out of it.’ We stop praying because it doesn’t go our way. We stop reading our Bibles because it starts to seem lifeless and boring. 

The harder our hearts get the less we do about it and the hardness just gets harder and harder and harder. It’s a terrible vicious cycle and the longer we let it go the worse it gets.

 That’s why we need to strive to always have hearts that are soft and pliable so that they can be moulded and brought into conformity to the image of God. 

We keep pour hearts soft and usable as we spend time in His word and in prayer and in fellowship with each other.

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