Saturday 8 August 2020

The word is not bound

Remember that Jesus Christ, of the seed of David, was raised from the dead according to my gospel, for which I suffer trouble as an evildoer, even to the point of chains; but the word of God is not chained. – 2 Timothy 2.8-9

We can forget sometimes reading Paul’s letters where he was and what he was going through when he wrote. Here he was back in Rome under arrest and saving execution. While he was under house arrest he was still a prisoner and was in chains. Most of us would have just given up.

But Paul didn’t do that. Even in his desperate situation he would not let the word be bound. God’s word still went forth as people came to him where is continued to preach and teach the gospel.

While this is a great testimony I think it pictures a much greater truth. God’s word can never be bound no matter what the opposition. The church suffers persecution, the word of God has been attacked and attempts have been made to wipe it out but the word of God abides forever.

And, even more exciting than that it cannot and will not be bound. It can’t be shut up. In fact, it is probably more available now than ever before in history. It is on paper and online and on phones and tablets and any number of devices.

Covid restrictions have closed ,any churches and limited many assemblies. Churches have been forced to think outside of the box and things are a lot differnet – but God’s word has not been bound. There is more preaching and teaching and more Bible on social media that even before. Facebook and YouTube and Zoom have provided a way to expand God’s word outside of our church wall.

Nothing can ever bind God’s word!

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