Wednesday 8 April 2020

All things consist

And he is before all things, and by him all things consist. – Colossians 1.17

Not only is Jesus the creator of all things, but the marvellous thing is that He didn’t just create and then step away. He continues to sustain us day by day.

Because of Jesus the sun rises and falls, the water cycle continues to cycle, The seasons come and go, our hearts beat and our lungs breath. Something has to keep it all going. Because of Jesus life goes on. Even during world wide pandemics the swans are nesting, flowers are blooming, the birds are singing, and the sun is shining (even if its behind the clouds).

Because he holds all things together and sustains us we have faith that He is still there. He isn’t, as deism claims, a great clockmaker who created the universe, would it up, and stepped away.

We live and breath and have our being by the mercy of God. While great this n virus is with us we must remember that God is stronger that the virus and He will sustain the world though it. That doesn’t mean that we are all going to miss it. That doesn’t mean that the coming economic collapse is not going to affect us. It does mean that God is here and that He can hold things together.

Thank God His day to day sustaining power.

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