Tuesday 16 April 2019


Salute one another with an holy kiss. The churches of Christ salute you. – Romans 16.16

Salute, or greet, one another with a holy kiss. A lot of our different cultures have stopped using a kiss as a normal greeting, but that doesn’t change the importance of the point of this passage.

This seems like such a simple little thing, doesn’t it? What is the big deal about a simple greeting? Why does Paul have to say something like this?

A simple greeting is an act of kindness. Whether it is a holy kiss or a handshake or a kind word or a hug or even a punch in the arm greetings are part of most cultures around the world. A greeting makes a day special. I don’t like airports, but when I am waiting in someone I do like to watch the greetings. I always feel kind of sad for those who arrive and there is no one there even to say hello. Some shops hire greeters whose job is to just say hi. When I walk most people at least lift their eyes for a nod or a silent greeting. I almost find it rude when people fix their eyes straight and refuse to greet you.

Church ought to be place where that never happens. It our to be our goal to greet everyone as they come in. Members, regular attenders, and visitors alike all are looking for a kind hello. A nice ‘salute’ can make one’s day.

So greet each other. Greet others. Make someone’s day.

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