Tuesday 4 September 2018

Will never thirst

Jesus answered and said to her, “Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.”- John 4.13-14

There are a lot of places in the New Testament where God shows us the importance of one – the one son, the one sheep, the one coin, the one Ethiopian in the desert. And here we have the importance of one woman in the middle of the day at a well gathering what when the proper folks would not be there. She came then because the other ladies would not welcome her in the cool of the evening.

Water is often used to picture not only physical thirst but also emotional or spiritual thirst or indeed any kind of deep desire. We speak of a thirst for truth or a thirst for knowledge. Here we find Jesus speaking of the deep abiding spiritual thirst for life and the meaning of life.

Men try everything to sate that thirst. They try wealth and possessions and sex and mind letting substance and power and popularity and even religion to satisfy their thirst.

But everything falls short. That thirst is never really and fully and permanently satisifed. Something is always lacking. This woman knew that well, she knew the reality of her deep spiritual thirst.

Jesus tells her that He has the answer to her thirst. Indeed He is the answer to her thirst and if she will partake of His gift she will never have to thirst again. Her spiritual thirst will be satisfied once and forever. All she has to do is to take it.

It is obvious that we live in a very thirsty world. That’s why we see so much crazy stuff going on around us. People are thirsty and we have the answer. How selfish it is of us when we won’t share.

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