Friday 7 September 2018

One sows, another reaps

For in this the saying is true: ‘One sows and another reaps.’ – John 4.37

Because we are human we like it when we are the ones to finish a task and get the ‘credit’ for it. It is a shame, but my early days in church were spent with a huge emphasis on the reapers. People and churches kept tally of how many people they had led to the Lord. I have had questionnaires that asked how many people we had seen saved and baptised. That kind of emphasis makes it seem that the reaper is the most important worker in the process of seeing people saved.

But that’s not how it works. When a crop is harvested a lot of works has been done before hand. The land must be cleared, the soil prepared, the seen planted, the crop must be watered and fertilised, the field must be weeded, and finally the harvest must be reaped.

Without each of us the task could not be accomplished. We need stone pitchers and ploughmen and seed sowers and waterers and weed pickers and reapers. Every single job is important. May we do what we have the chance to do for the ultimate purpose – not to gain credit for ourselves, but to bear fruit for God’s glory. Remember. God gives the increase.

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