Thursday 27 September 2018

They plotted to kill Lazarus

Now a great many of the Jews knew that He was there; and they came, not for Jesus’ sake only, but that they might also see Lazarus, whom He had raised from the dead. But the chief priests plotted to put Lazarus to death also, because on account of him many of the Jews went away and believed in Jesus. – John 12.9-11

It appears that Lazarus’ resurrection had the desired impact. Because of what had happened many Jews were leaving Judaism and believing in Jesus and the Jews couldn’t have that. Now the Jewis leaders had to problems, Jesus and Lazarus. While the plot against Jesus was growing the Jews decided that they had an answer about Lazarus – they would just kill him.

Through the centuries that has been the way to deal with Jesus’ followers.If you can’t scare them inot change and can’t shut them up the solution is to just kill them. Martyrdom was going to be a part of serving God and following Jesus.

The thing is that they enemies of Jesus killed Him because they don’t know what they are doing. They killed Stephen because they did nor know what they were doing. They wanted to kill Lazarus because it was the only way they knew to shut him up. All over the world today our brothers and sisters in Christ are arrested, beaten, and even killed because the world has no answer for our faith.

I wonder though if many are believing in Jesus because of our new life in Christ?

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