Friday 21 September 2018

Do you want to follow Jesus?

He answered them, “I told you already, and you did not listen. Why do you want to hear it again? Do you also want to become His disciples?”
Then they reviled him and said, “You are His disciple, but we are Moses’ disciples. We know that God spoke to Moses; as for this fellow, we do not know where He is from.”
The man answered and said to them, “Why, this is a marvelous thing, that you do not know where He is from; yet He has opened my eyes! Now we know that God does not hear sinners; but if anyone is a worshiper of God and does His will, He hears him. Since the world began it has been unheard of that anyone opened the eyes of one who was born blind. If this Man were not from God, He could do nothing.”
They answered and said to him, “You were completely born in sins, and are you teaching us?” And they cast him out. – John 9.27-34

We don’t know this blind man’s name, but he is quite an exmple for us of what it means to be a bold and clear witness for Christ. The Pharisees kept pursuing him trying to find a way to get something to use as fuel in their attempt to arrest Jesus.

So the man kept going and talking about Jesus. At one point the man said ‘I’ve already answered your questions and you keep asking, do you want to be a disciple of Jesus as well?’

I don’t know if he was being genuine or sarcastic but this was the perfect answer for the situation. He then went on to say that only a man of God could heal the blind. Jesus could not be a sinner because a sinner could not do that.

The conviction was too much. They turned to an attack on the man saying ‘you are completely born in sin’ and they cast him out of their presence.

Continuing to talk about Jesus may have the same result for us. People may not talk to us anymore. One thing is certain though – they have heard about our Jesus and the Holy Spirit can use that to draw men to God.

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