Thursday 25 June 2020

One Mediato r

For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time, - 1 Timothy 2:5-6

When Adam and Eve sinned they established a great gulf between man and God. They sinned, the penalty of sin was death, they were guilty and would have to face the perfectly just Judge. There was nothing man could do to mediate for reconciliation. Unless God intervened man would remain lost and without any hope. No work could help. No man could help.

So how did man find hope? Who could mediate the case? Is there any hope at all?

The mediator, if there was one, would have to be perfect. He would have to be able to represent both God and man. Only One could fit that bill.

Jesus Christ became God in the flesh. He became the perfect God/man, 100% God and 100% man.

It really wasn’t much of a mediation according to the way we think about them. God is 100% holy and 100% pure. Man is 100% sinner and totally disqualified from God’s presence. Only God could open that door and set the terms.

And He did. He sent His Son, Jesus, the perfect mediator, in fact the only Mediator, to die for our sins. Jesus went to the cross and shed His blood and to satisfy the perfect justice of God. For the believer, who has put their faith in Christ the mediation goes something like this. The person on trial is as guilty as sin. Everybody knows it, the question of the penalty comes up. The penalty is eternal death. But the Mediator steps up and says, ‘the penalty is paid. He is one of Mine,’ and the account is settled.

I’m grateful for settled mediation in Jesus.

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