Saturday 20 June 2020

Eternal, immortal, invisible

Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, to God who alone is wise, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.  1 Timothy 1.17

God who alone is wise

What a wonderful doxology of praise and honour and glory.

Our God is eternal. He was before the beginning and He will be after the ends and His is today. The is the eternal I AM. He is eternal so He is beyond the scope of time. He dwells outside of time. All of time is in his sight right now.

He is immortal. Nothing can harm Him. The immortality ties in with His eternality. I am stuck where I am with my brief span of life so I can’t see it all. I only see my spot on the river of life. But God sees it all. He knows ever bend and every rapid and every shallow and He always know what is coming next.

He is invisible. He is not bound by a human body. He is outside the limits that bind us. He can be everywhere and always and He is also:

God only wise. He is the source of all true wisdom. Man has his wisdom and God has His. The things that seem foolish to the world are wise if God’s eyes. Man’s best wisdom looks foolish in His eyes.

So to Him be glory and honour forever and ever – amen.

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