Tuesday 9 July 2019


Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. – 1 Corinthians 15.58

Because the victory is won there is something we need to do.

I mentioned above those time when the victory seems impossible. It is tempting to get down and discouraged and we might even despair or be depressed over the way things our. If we don’t watch ourselves it is easy enough to just give up the fight. It happens when sight overcomes faith.

What does God ask us to do? He asks us in another place to ‘not be weary in well doing.’ In another He says ‘since you have this ministry don’t lose heat.’ Here He says

Be stedfast
Not be moved
Always abound in the work of the Lord

Okay, but how do we do that?

We need to remember that our labour is not in vain in he Lord. We never know what God is doing  - but He is doing and we must just keep on plugging away no matter what we may see.

My favourite Christian author, JC Ryles,  put it this way:

It is a comfortable and cheering thought, that the same kind of thing that happened to the disciples is often going on at the present day. The sermons that are preached to apparently heedless ears in churches, are not all lost and thrown away. The instruction that is given in schools and pastoral visits, is not all wasted and forgotten. The texts that are taught by parents to children are not all taught in vain. There is often a resurrection of sermons, and texts, and instruction, after an interval of many years. The good seed sometimes springs up after he that sowed it has been long dead and gone. Let preachers go on preaching, and teachers go on teaching, and parents go on training up children in the way they should go. Let them sow the good seed of Bible truth in faith and patience. Their labor is not in vain in the Lord. Their words are remembered far more than they think, and will yet spring up "after many days." (1 Cor. 15:58; Eccles. 11:1.)

He there mentions Ecclesiastes 11.1 – Cast your bread upon the waters and you will find it after many days.

Just keep going, don’t give up, God will not let His word return void. He’ll do the works, all He wants is for us to be faithful.

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