Thursday 24 December 2020

Mercy wins


For judgment is without mercy to the one who has shown no mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment. – James 2.13


Mercy wins over judgement.


What an amazing lesson for all of us! It is easy to judge others and be biased and critical. We can look at others and we can choose to one of two things. One is to judge them and treat as though they are under our judgement.


The other way, God’s way, is to show mercy. We all deserved God’s judgement, but He chose to show us mercy. God’s mercy chose to send His Son to die for our sins. All we have to so is to accept that gift of mercy.


But there is also a personal application here. James is writing in the context of us and other people and how we respond to them. If God could chose to show us mercy over judgement for our sins, surely, we can choose to show mercy over judgement in regard to others.


It is easy to judge others. That is the natural fleshly way. It is tougher to choose mercy, but that is God’s way. It is one of the true marks of a believer. God’s people are the ones to show mercy to those in need instead of just judging them and condemning them and casting them to the side.

How are you and I at mercy? The world sometimes sees us as harsh and judgmental and sometimes we have to judge sin. However, we must always show mercy to those who are trapped in sin. Our cry is love, not hate, and love shows mercy.  If we are going to err here isn't it better to err on the side of mercy and leave the judging to God? 

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