Saturday 26 December 2020

Dead Faith


Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. – James 2.17


There has always been a great debate about faith and works and salvation. Are we saved by works? Are we saved by faith? Are we saved by a combination of the two?


A lot of folks have tried to divide Paul and James on this issue. Paul say that we are saved by faith alone and James says that works are a part of salvation. That does seem a bit confusing, doesn’t it?


It is at first, but if you look at this passage carefully you see that there is a slight difference. The difference is that works are the evidence of faith. They prove that the faith is there. If there are no works then the faith that we think is there is really just dead faith.


Salvation comes apart from works, but faith always produces works, always. Those of us who have ever exercised are ordained to do good works. They are going to come if faith is alive and well.


Our works reflect our faith. How do my works reflect my faith?

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