Sunday 27 December 2020

Even the demons believe in God


Even the demons believe in God


You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe—and tremble – James 2.19


I believe in God. Surely that’s got me covered? If I believe God surely, He is going to take me in the end?


That would be nice, but the problem is that even the demons believe in God. Several times when Jesus encountered them on earth, they recognised Him as the Son of God. There is a problem though with belief. It can never be enough. Belief must always be mixed with the faith and faith is always going to show itself by works.


At least when the demons believe they tremble. They know Who He is and that they are worthy only of His judgement.

Man, however, says ‘I believe in God so everything is okay. As long as I believe in Him He’s got me covered.’


I personally think that all men do believe in God in their heart of hearts. The Bible tells us that God has put a sense of eternity in our hearts. It is thinking about dealing with God that causes a lot of folks to try and ignore Him.

Belief in God is a good start. Acknowledging Him as who He is is even better. But it does no good until man acknowledges his sinful state before God and turns to Him believing only does no good.

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