Saturday 2 May 2020

Seasoned speech

Walk in wisdom toward those who are outside, redeeming the time. Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one. Colossians 4:5-6

I had to break this into two sections. The first dealt with wisdom, the second deals with our speech. Most of us are more known for our speech, good or bad, than we are for our wisdom (or lack of it).

There are a couple of things we could talk about here. One is the importance of just making sure that we are always gracious in our speech and to shake the salt in our conversations.

The context here makes me think that there is a lot more to it. The context is using wisdom toward those on the outside and using the time given us. I think in that context what we are seeing here’s simple.

Our speech must always be full of the grace of God
Our speech must always be seasoned the preserving power of the salt of the gospel

Sure, we have to make small talk and conversation and get to know people a bit and develop friendships when we can. There is not doubt about that.

But at the same time we need to remember that we don’t know how long we have and we need to redeem the time we do have. Therefore we must seek chances to impart grace to those we know. They must see and hear of the grace of God in our lives. We must look for chances to season our conversation with the preserving power of salt. The gospel ought to spice up our lives and our conversation.

May my speech show God’s grace and be seasoned with the salt of the gospel.

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