Monday 4 May 2020

Fulfil it

And say to Archippus, “Take heed to the ministry which you have received in the Lord, that you may fulfill it.” – Colossians 4.17

I well remember this verse from about 30 years ago and I first noticed it. We were teaching school and the school was struggling to survive. We just couldn’t pay our bills and. They couldn’t afford teacher’s salaries. It was tough to stay motivated while salaries were being cut, or even in some cases salaries ceased.

How do you keep going in times like that?

I used to do devotions at staff meetings. One day I came across this marvellous passage. When Paul is wrapping up His letter to the Colossians. Like he did so often here he sends greeting to individuals in the church.

One of these was a guy named Archippus. Paul says to remind Archippus of the ministry that God had given him and that he fulfil that ministry.

Its really pretty simple. God gives us a ministry. We do that ministry until God moves us.

Many years ago I was really, really discourage in the ministry. We had had a series of setbacks. I had enough. I went for a walk on a Sunday morning and sat on a bench and ‘gave out’ to God. I wanted to leave.

Now, I am not sure about hearing God’s voice, but if it is possible I certainly heard God tell me ‘I’ll let you know when I am done with you here.’ That woke me up. I got up and came home and the situation hadn’t changed, but my heart had. God confirmed that in the coming days through Bible readings and devotions and such.

God wants us to be faithful – that’s what He requires. What need to fulfil our ministries and move on only when God directs us.

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