Monday 18 February 2019

The gift of God

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. – Romans 6.23

Everything comes at a cost. We tend to think of our wages as good things, but there are cases where we sould say that the wages can be bad. The wages for a night of drinking is a hangover. The wages of drink driving is endangering lives. The wages of smoking are heart or lung disease. The wages of unhealthy eating are cardiovascular disease and so on.

Here we have the ultimate picture of bad wages. The wages for sin is death.

Death, physical, spiritual, and eternal is the cost we pay for sin. Because of sin man’s spirit is dead already. Because of sin my body will die. Because of sin man’s eternity is one of separation from God.



But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

The gift of God – a gift! Because it is a gift it cannot be earned. A true gift is permanent because a true gift is given without condition. A true gift cannot be taken back. All a gift requires is acceptance.

Eternal life – eternal! Because it is eternal it is permanent. If it could be lost it would be temporary. But it is eternal!

Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Not me or my works or my goodness or my church or because I am special, but through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Thanks God for His most precious gift!

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