Saturday, 28 October 2017

God's way is not fair! (?)

Yet the house of Israel says, 'The way of the Lord is not fair.' O house of Israel, is it not My ways which are fair, and your ways which are not fair? – Ezekiel 18.29


I heard it just the other day from a grandchild. I have been hearing that for a long, long and I am sure that long before that I was saying it myself. It seems like the perfect answer, doesn’t it? If we don’t like something it just isn’t fair!

Our concept of fairness is flawed because we don’t know everything. We base ‘fairness’ on our perceptions. As parents and grandparents and teachers and whatever as hard as we try we may not always be fair because we are not perfect, but God’s way is always because He can’t help but to be fair. It’s our ways that are not fair because we have a skewed perspective on fairness. To me fairness means that it doesn’t suit me. Fairness means that I am treated differently.

God is fair because has a simple standard. We, every one of us, live in a broken world full of broken people and I (and you, and everyone else) am one of those broken people. We are sinners and every sin is enough to keep us out of heaven. Not a one of us is good enough to go there.

But God is fair because He has it sorted. He sent Jesus, who knew no sin, the take our sins to the cross and anyone, anywhere, who calls on Christ for forgiveness can enjoy eternity with Him.

Man’s way and his created religions are not fair because they put a burden of works on man that can never be satisfied.

I am glad that those 40 some years I trusted God and His fairness. 

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