Wednesday 4 October 2017

A hammer and a fire

"Is not My word like a fire?" says the LORD, "And like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces? – Jeremiah 23.29

One of the greatest problems with sharing my faith, in my weak and feeble human mind, is that people are not going to listen. You try it over and over again, but nobody wants to hear and nobody puts any authority in the Bible. I sometimes think that I have to convince people that the Bible is true before I can share from it.

But I think that idea is missing the point. The Bible doesn’t need me to try and prove that it is worth hearing. It is alive and powerful and can work on hearts even of people who would seemingly have no interest in it. God’s word is a fire to burn away the dross of the mind and hammer to smash down the walls of opposition and doubt.

The power of God’s word does not rely on my powers to convince someone they can trust it. The Bible does its work because it is the Bible.

So what do we do? We just boldly but lovingly proclaim the word of God even if people say don’t believe it. We may not see any chance but God’s word will not return void. Who knows what the planted seed of the word of God might do?

Keep proclaiming. Keep teaching. Keep declaring. And let God’s hammer and His fire do their work! 

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