None of his sins
which he has committed shall be remembered against him; he has done what is
lawful and right; he shall surely live. – Ezekiel 33.16
God is just a
righteous and holy and just God. Sin opposes all that God is. None of us would want
an eternity where sin exists because it would be no better that this life. So
sin will keep us all out of heaven and the wages of sin is death.
But God provides an
answer to that. With true repentance of sin and true dependence on God we can
find forgiveness. Though only hinted at here, the answer to the problem was
provided by Jesus Christ on the cross. Those who were saved in the Old
Testament trusted that God would provide salvation through Messiah and we look back
at what He has already done.
But the point here
is this – God doesn’t only forgive our sins. He chooses to ‘not remember’ them.
That’s hard for us to grasp because we may be able to forgive someone, but we
won’t forget what was done. We can’t turn off our memories. We can choose to
not be offended, but we can’t simply to choose to not remember.
God is God though. God can do what we can’t do. I am grateful that even though I remember my sins God does not. They are buried in the depths of the deepest sea and they are as far as the east is from the west.
God is God though. God can do what we can’t do. I am grateful that even though I remember my sins God does not. They are buried in the depths of the deepest sea and they are as far as the east is from the west.
Gone, praise God my
sins are gone!