Saturday 24 November 2012

You will leave me alone

Indeed the hour is coming, yes, has now come, that you will be scattered, each to his own, and will leave Me alone. And yet I am not alone, because the Father is with Me. – John 16.32

I hate to be alone. I am not one of those guys who relishes solitude. I don’t mind short spells alone, but generally I don’t like loneliness.

I really hate it when I feel abandoned. I hate the feeling when friends you could have sworn you could have counted on turn against you. Loneliness and abandonment are horrible things to deal with.

We wouldn’t think that Jesus would have to worry about that, would we? Surely, after all that time together with the disciples and all that they had seen He could count on them to stick with Him.

But they didn’t stick. We now know that they all did indeed leave Jesus alone.

There are so many things that amaze me about Jesus’ sacrifice. Among them is the amazing truth that He knew what He was going through, and He was going to do it all alone. No one came to comfort Him or stand by His side as He suffered and died alone.

Amazing love, how can it be?

My thoughts are drawn to one other thing here. The fact that the disciples left Jesus alone reminds how often I turn away from sweet fellowship with Him when I go after my own pursuits. May I learn to treasure the sweet communion with the One who died alone for me. 

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