Thursday 29 November 2012

Sanctifying truth

Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth.  – John 17.17

Earlier on in His ministry Jesus had said ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life.’ Now Jesus returns to the subject of the truth in His prayer for us.

‘Sanctify them by Your truth,’ Jesus prayed ‘Your Word is truth.’

There are a couple of things to look at here. First we need to look at the word ‘sanctify.’ It looks like a theological word, and in a sense it is. But it really is a pretty simple word – it just means ‘separate.’

So Jesus’ prayer here is that God would separate His people from the world (since they are not a part of it anyway). Jesus’ desire is that we would be separate from the world.

Secondly is the way that we are to be separate. Jesus’ prayer is we would be separated by the truth. That alone says something because, as mentioned a couple of weeks ago, many claim that there is no truth. The fact that we accept a truth alone sets us apart. Because of that truth will set us apart from those who believe in no truth.

And then there is the fact that it is God’s truth that sets us apart. So now we need to know what God’s truth is.

‘Your word is truth’ Jesus said. That is what sets us apart. We are set apart because we are people of the Book. It is the divider that separates us from the world.  What makes the difference between us and the world is that we live according to the word of God.

Certainly we were set apart in a sense at salvation. It is also certain that one day we will be completely set apart when we go to be with Him.

But in the meantime we are to live lives that are sanctified to Christ even while sojourning in the this land and I have to say ‘that ain’t an easy thing to do.’

Our power for sanctification comes through the word of God. As we read and study and pray and listen to teaching God’s Holy Spirit takes that word and drives it home to our hearts. When we follow His lead we lives sanctified and separated lives. When we don’t do that we get all caught up in all the nonsense going on around us that really is none of our business.

Jesus prayed that God would set us apart with His word. He has given us His word to do just that. The question is whether or not we are people of the Book, or if we are happy just being a part of this world. 

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