Tuesday 4 November 2008

They cannot be hidden

Likewise, the good works of some are clearly evident, and those that are otherwise cannot be hidden.
- 1 Timothy 5v25

Just a little blessing, comfort, and encouragement this morning. I don’t think I have ever noticed this verse before. But I found a blessing there this morning.

It is clear that some people’s good works are obvious. Every one sees them. They are in forefront and highly visible. If we are not careful we can wish that our works had had the same high visibility. Why? Simply because we all like to be recognised.

But in the same verse we read that those whose works are not clearly seen can be comforted in the fact that their works also cannot be hidden. Those who are hidden away some place, simply plugging away and being faithful can be assured that their work is not in vain. The work cannot be hidden forever. One day it will be seen.

Getting credit for our service should never me our motivation, but it is nice to know that someday some one will know about it.

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