Sunday 2 November 2008

The labourer is worthy

For the Scripture says, "You shall not muzzle and ox while it treads out the grain," and, "The labourer is worthy of its wages." - 1 Timothy 5v18

When we have a leaky pipe we have no problem paying someone to come out and fix it. If we need wiring done or car repairs we may gripe, but we know we have to pay to get it sorted. When we go out to eat we pay the extra to have someone set the table, prepare and serve our meal, and clean up the mess. We are all accustomed to paying for services rendered.

There is an area of service provided that we sometimes forget about, at least on an individual level. When an elder who ministers in doctrine and the word does so, we need to remember that he too is worthy of his hire. Sometimes, when a special speaker ministers, or even when a pastor has a need, we can forget the work he puts forth. We think, well, ‘he has his salary, that ought to sort him.’

But there is something more to it than that. I am not sure what the phrase ‘double honour’ means in verse 17, but there is something about making sure that a preaching or teaching elder is properly taken care of. While he need not be wealthy or have an abundance, he is going to have a hard time ministering with financial troubles hanging over our heads.

Let’s be sure, as churches and individuals, that we remember that this labourer is worthy of his hire.

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