Sunday 18 June 2006

Dwelling in the secret place

“He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” - Psalms 91v1

It is obvious that we live in a day of tremendous change. Wickedness abounds and it seems like everyplace we turn there is no relief from evil. If we are not careful it is easy to be overwhelmed with despair as we try to honour God in this life.

What do we do when we are about to be consumed by the world? What do we do when it seems like it can’t get any worse?

Praise God there is a hiding place. God offers the “secret place of the Most High” “as a refuge in the storm. We are so often busy living in the world that we neglect His special abiding place. When we choice to spend time in His word and in prayer we are in that secret place. We can come apart from all of the troubles of the world and have sweet fellowship with Him.

What happens when we learn to dwell in the secret place of intimate fellowship? We abide under the shadow of His wing. The turmoil doesn’t end, the troubles are still there, the heat is still intense – but we can be covered with His sheltering arm.

What better place to spend our days then dwelling in that secret place.

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