Thursday 27 May 2021

Keep yourselves from idols


And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us an understanding, that we may know Him who is true; and we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life. Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen.


Here is a simple little sentence to finish the epistle. Little children, keep yourself for idols.


What does it mean for us to keep ourselves from idols?  Most of us do not have a god shelf in our sitting rooms. What are our idols then? How does this apply to us.

Though we may not have any idols that doesn’t mean that we don’t have our own kinds of idols. Our idols may not be stone statues. Our idols may be intangibles like popularity or fame of prestige. Our idols could be simply stuff. Our idols could be made of metals and plastics and screens and circuit board and electronics. Sometimes our idols can even me otherwise good things like families or children or friends.


But it is certain that we do have them.

Our idols are anything that get in between us and God. They can be intangibles like power and pride and prestige. They can be people or popularity. They can be homes and possessions and stuff in general. They can be entertainment or sports or gams or leisure activities. They can even be good things like family and friends. When any of these things become more of our focus than God they become our idols.


We can’t afford to be distracted by idols they on a god shelf or on our hearts or in our sitting rooms. We can tell if they are idols or not by how much time and attention we pay to them. Whichever gets our focus becomes our God.

Indeed, the warning to keep ourselves from idols is just as important as it ever has been.

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