Saturday 30 January 2021

Faith and hope


He indeed was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you who through Him believe in God, who raised Him from the dead and gave Him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God. – 1 Peter 1.20-21


Boy are those two key words on how to get through life? Even after all these words I still have a hard time dealing with those two little words faith and hope.


How can I possibly, after all these years, still fret and fear and fail to have faith and hope in God. Why do the myriad of things in this world still weigh me down?


I know the answer. If anyone were ask me about themselves I would tell them that it is because we think we can do a better job of orchestrating our lives than He can.


Instead my faith and hope must be in Him and His ability. That way, even if things don’t go the way I want, I will know that He knows best and that the end result is always the best result.


My hope should be built on nothing less the Jesus blood and righteousness. My hope is I the Lord, who gave Himself for me. Every time I do anything else, every time, I get myself in trouble.  If I put my faith in me my best hopes are in vain.

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