Wednesday, 23 September 2020

He remains


You, LORD, in the beginning laid the foundation of the earth,

And the heavens are the work of Your hands.

They will perish, but You remain;

And they will all grow old like a garment;

Like a cloak You will fold them up,

And they will be changed.

But You are the same,

And Your years will not fail.” – Hebrews 1.10-12


This old world is falling apart. You can almost feel it. The heavens will one day perish

They will be folded up like an old piece of clothing. They will wear out.


All that is true but God will remain and He will not change. One day things are going to change. The all merciful all loving all gracious and all patient God is also all just and all righteous and one day He will act in His justice and in His wrath over sin. One day it will all be over. Heaven and earth will pass away.


But despite the constant state of flux and change and decay there is one thing that we can cling on to because one thing will remain, and one thing will not change.


Jesus will remain. Not only that He will not change. He is the same yesterday and today and forever. He is the same Jesus who created the world and all that is in it. He has not lost one gram of power.


So in the midst of great times of change like we are going now it is of great comfort to remember that we have the same Jesus we had back before all this started. Nothing has taken Him by surprise. He is not weakened by this in the slightest.

He remains. He will not change. What confidence and assurance that can give us.

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