Friday 13 September 2019


Providing for honest things, not only in the sight of the Lord, but also in the sight of men. – 2 Corinthians 8.21

‘Honesty is the best policy’ we read. Honesty is so powerful because wrapped in honesty are things like truthfulness and purity and lack of deceipt and no hypocrisy and trustworthiness.

The context here is giving, but Paul makes a very clear comment here about a vital Christian trait. He says be honest in all things, not only before God, but also before men. If we are not honest in all things how are people going to trust us about anything?

We ought to be very careful when it some to money. We ought to set plenty of guards and protections against accusation when dealing with financial matters. Paul made sure that when money was an issue there was plenty of accountability. They were concerned about being open and accountable and honest and honourable

We do well today to do the same. It is important that our churches make sure that everything dealing with being is open and above board so that no one can accuse us of impropriety. People need to know that when we give our money is being used for God’s work and His glory.

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