Sunday 29 September 2019

Examine yourselves

Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you are disqualified. – 2 Corinthians 13.5

 Recently at Zeke and Chelsy’s rehearsal dinner we were talking about various things, as you do, and the topic of health issues and  and check-ups and things like that came up. A lot of times we, especially us men, don’t like the whole concept of physicals and check-ups. After all, something might be wrong and who wants to know that?

That’s stupid – no doubt about it. We foolishly put our lives at risk out of fear of what might be wrong. I once an a relatively minor health issue that could have been easliy dealt with, but I was afraid it might be cancer so wouldn’t go to the doctor. Though minor it required surgery before I dealt with it.

Paul makes a spiritual application of that same kind of need – examine yourselves to make sure you are in the faith.

Self examination, physical and spiritual, only makes sense. We should of course check ourselves out daily to see how we are doing. Our daily devotions are a chance for us to compare ourselves to what God is looking for.

But God gave us a special gift when He gave us the Lord’s Table. The Table gives is a perfect opportunity to, as an old preacher said, keep short accounts with God. When we go to the Table we are instructed to examine ourselves before we partake. That gives us a regular, in our church weekly, opportunity to carefully examine our lives.

Examining ourselves is really being like David and saying ‘search me O God, and know my heart.’ Are we willing to pray that prayer?

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