Friday 30 December 2016


So I will sing praise to Your name forever,
That I may daily perform my vows. – Psalm 61.8

For about five years now I have tried to get in a daily walk. Before my surgery last year I had a 548 day walking streak. As of today I am on a 452 day streak. 2016 will be the first calendar year that I have not missed a single day of walking. Streaks by their very nature motivate me. I keep a devotional blog to motivate me to do my daily devotions.

Streaks require consistency. They require sticking to it. They require, shall we say, faithfulness.

Consistency was important to David. ‘I will sing praises to Your name forever, that I may daily keep my vows.’

‘Daily keep my vows.’ That is the key phrase here.

They key to our success is day to day consistency. The Christian life is not supposed to be about spurts and stop and go. It is meant to be our daily lives. We can’t just serve and worship and praise God on Sunday. We can’t just study His word on a whim. It has to be day by day and with each passing moment.

Let’s make 2017 year where we daily seek, by the grace of God and with His help, to keep Christ at the centre of our lives. Let's try for a 2017 streak of spending personal time with God every day.

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