Monday 23 May 2016

God's word has been tested

As for God, His way is perfect; The word of the LORD is proven; He is a shield to all who trust in Him. – 2 Samuel 22.31

David’s praise song here has so much that we can be blessed by. His way is perfect and we can rest in Him. There is a lot more to talk about, but the next key truth is that ‘the word of the Lord is tested and proven.’

I love to study Bible doctrine. I am no theologian, but I do enjoy learning an studying about why we believe what we believe. Last night in the iMPACT youth Bible study we started looking at the doctrines. The first one we looked at was the Doctrine of the Bible.

That tied right into this passage. One of the things we talked about was the blessing that is written down and therefore is more sure than if we had just heard it. That led me to think about the collection of ancient Bible manuscripts just up the road in Dublin at the Chester Beatty library. There have collected hundred, if not thousands, of Bible manuscripts. When I have gone they with folks who know the Biblical languages they have been able to read the same things that we read in our Bibles today.

That is an amazing truth because man has done everything he can to discredit or destroy the Bible. It has been banned and outlawed and burned and mocked and laughed at. For at least 2000 years it has been opposed in every way possible.

And still it endures.

Of course we could take a whole nother tack here and talk about how God have proven Himself through His word to us over and over again. Maybe we’ll come across that later.

But for now we know that God’s word has proven itself through its very existence and endurance through the ages. It is here by our sides and near to hand.

Isn’t it worth some time today?

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