Thursday 21 August 2014

Stop the silly fighting

As I urged you when I went into Macedonia—remain in Ephesus that you may charge some that they teach no other doctrine, nor give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which cause disputes rather than godly edification which is in faith.  – 1 Timothy 1.3-4 

I like a good dicsussion or debate as much as the next guy. I like the back forth and I like the banter. For years I posted on a Christian discussion forum. It was a fine place in many ways, but it also could be a place where debates got out of hand and anger and disputing took over. Mean things were said it was hard to tell it was a Christian place. It was not good for my spirit. I found myself angry with Christians I didn’t even know. 

That's just an example of what Paul is writing about here. 'Don't pay any attention to silly stories and endless discussions that cause disputes. Don't fight about the things we can't be dogmatic about. Don't fight over politics. Don't fight over sports. Don't fight over skin colour or national origins.'

Jesus said 'blessed are the peacemakers.' When we get involved in silly squabbles we are doing the opposite of peacemaking. 

Paul had left Timothy in Ephesus to help the church. Paul told him to stay true to doctrine - on that we can't compromise. But he also was to teach the Ephesians to avoid the silliness that would cause divisions. The nonsense that can occupy us divides instead of edifies. 

So let's stop the stupid fighting over silliness. It might make us feel good to 'win' an arguement or a verbal spar - but our desire alwasy ought to be to win our brother. 

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