Sunday 3 August 2014

Pursue what is good

See that no one renders evil for evil to anyone, but always pursue what is good both for yourselves and for all. – 1 Thessalonians 5.15

It is a mad, mad, mad, mad world. The whole world is in pursuit of something. Sometimes it is fame or fortune. Sometimes is popularity or pleasure. Sometimes it is riches or rewards. Everyone is chasing after something. 

There is a 60s comedy called ‘It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World.’ It is old fashioned slapstick comedy. The whole film is based a group of people mad about finding money left in a park in California. At the beginning they are calm, but as the movie goes on they go crazy about the money and everyone they come in contact with is infected. Their mad pursuit eventually leads to a disastrous but hilarious ending. 

For all of the hilarity it is a wonderful picture of a world in pursuit of stuff. People even put themselves at risk in order to have that shot at riches. I have seen glimpses of 'reality TV' and am amazed what people will do just for money. 

But it's not just money. The pursuit of pleasure drives people to do crazy things. The pursuit of fame creates a dog eat dog world. Perhaps we ourselves even get caught up in some of those crazy pursuits. 

Despite all that pursuit can be good - if we pursue the right things. Paul clearly says that we ought to pursue what is good. 

In this case Paul makes the general statement that we are to puruse what is good for ourselves and for all. But the specific here is prefaced with 'see that no one wonders evil for evil to anyone.' It is the same idea that Jesus had in mind when He said 'blessed are the merciful.' It means we pursue peac instead of vengeance and getting even. 

In all our dealings, but especially in our dealing with each other, we need to pursue what is good - forgiveness and peace and mercy. When we are opposed we need to pursue what is good, not to return evil done to us with evil done to them. 

These ought to be the pursuits that guide our lives. These ought to be the pursuits that drive us. Always. 

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