Saturday 23 August 2014

Idle talk

from which some, having strayed, have turned aside to idle talk, desiring to be teachers of the law, understanding neither what they say nor the things which they affirm. – 1 Timothy 1.6-7

This whole idea of wasted talk and arguing and fighting and disputing and such goes way back. I have a feeling that if internet forums and Facebook and Twitter had existed in Timothy’s time he would have been a part of it. For the second time in just a few verses Paul addresses the danger of being drawn away into useless conversations. I may be wrong, but I get the feeling Timothy had a problem with this temptation. 

There are times in Paul’s letters when you can almost sense a little bit of a fun nature. When he mentions those who are turned away by idle talk he says that they ‘don’t even understand the things they say or the things they approve.’

I guess part of the reason I notice this so much is that I am one of those who is drawn to idle talk, even if I don’t really know what I am talking about. I like to talk and I like to debate and, yes, I even like to argue.

But I know myself how dangerous that can be. I know how easy it is to get caught up in the silly stuff and get distracted from the important stuff.

It’s not like every conversation has to be about spiritual things or ‘Bible talk.’ God doesn’t care if we talk about the weather or the news to sports or politics or whatever. It is when that kind of stuff takes over and gets us off track. It is when that kind of stuff turns us against each other and wrecks our attitudes and spirits.

These folks got distracted by the Law. We get distracted by all kinds of nonsense. Let’s avoid the idle talk and stick the important stuff. We have more important things to do than idle talk.

Lord help us, well, let me, stay focused and avoid the nonsense. 

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