Thursday, 31 March 2011

Into Your hand

Into Your hand I commit my spirit; You have redeemed me, O LORD God of truth. - Psalm 31v5

This verse is best known as one of Jesus' last words on the cross. That is a great place to think of it because it pictures, in some humanly incomprehensible way, the total submission of God the Son to God the Father.

The psalmist speaks of pleading to God for help. 'In You I put my trust. Deliver me. Listen to me. You are my rock and fortress.' Lead me and guide me. You are my strength.'

The psalmist expresses his faith clearly. But he doesn't stop there. He acts on his faith because, as he puts it, 'he unreservedly commits his spirit to the Lord.'

The psalmist expresses a Romans 12v1-2 spirit here. It an 'all on the altar' attitude. It is a 'here I am Lord' spirit.

Most of all it is a spirit of absolute surrender, submission, and trust. It means that no matter how bad it gets or what the circumstances are I leave my life in His control.

There can be no denying that this is not easy. It is hard to take our hands off an leave it up to Him.

Are we willing to say, not matter what our current crisis, 'Lord, into you hands, I commit my spirit?'

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