Thursday 10 March 2011

A daily prayer

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be acceptable in Your sight, O LORD, my strength and my Redeemer. - Psalm 19v14

I have always liked this little prayer or meditation, I only wish I liked it enough to really make it a daily part of my life.

Think about it for minute. How would our lives be different if every thought we think and every word we speak was acceptable in God's sight? How would people see us if all of our thoughts and all of our words we God-thoughts and God-words?

I know I struggle with these things. A lot of the time I can control the words of my mouth. Fortunately I have learned how to make sure that most of my words would be acceptable to Him, but even there I can fall short. I hate it when that happens.

The problem comes with the words that are not said out loud, but may be muttered under my breath.

Even worse than that are the words that may not may make it to my mouth, but instead are formed as thoughts in my mind. I fear that these are often not quite so acceptable. Sometimes they are not quite so nice. Sometimes they can be mean spirited. Sometimes they can be ungodly. Sometimes they can be downright deplorable.

I think the reason that the psalmist talks about the words of his mouth and the meditation of his heart is that they go together. If the meditations of our hearts were right it only makes sense that the words of our mouth are also going to be right and acceptable.

As a part of our daily prayer life would it not be wise if we asked God for strength in allowing the words of our mouths AND the meditations of our heart to be acceptable to God?

We can't do that in our own strength. We all know what happens when we try that. But with God's help and our yieldedness we can have victory over our thoughts and our words.

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