Wednesday 16 March 2011

I shall not want

The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. - Psalm 23v1

This short little sentence says so much. At the same time it is a great challenge.

The theme of contentment runs through the Bible. 'Godliness with contentment is great gain' 'You shall not covet.' 'Be content with what you have, for He will never leave you or forsake you.'

When you watch sheep you see them following their shepherd you see them going to the pastures he leads them. The drink the water he provides. The trust him to take them to the wintering sheds. In essence they simply trust him.

'I shall not want' is the prefect expression of contentment. 'I shall not want' means that I am trusting my shepherd no matter what the circumstances. 'I shall not want' means just that, with Jesus as my Shepherd I will not want – full stop.

I won't want because I trust that He loves me and He knows what is best for me at every moment of every day in every circumstance. 'My sheep hear my voice,' Jesus said, 'and they follow me.'

Will I follow Him? Can I do so without wanting? Do I trust Him enough to do that?

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