Friday 16 July 2010

Leaping over walls

For by You I can run against a troop; By my God I can leap over a wall. - 2 Samuel 22v30

Most of us have seen some time of war film. During most of them there will be a moment when you see the brash young troops rushing forward into battle at full speed dodging obstacles and leaping over wall and difficulties to bravely and courageously face the enemy.

As I get older I am often intrigued by what drives these young men into such a battle frenzy. How do they do that? Don’t they know that there is an enemy they who can easily kill them. This battle charge has never changed. There comes a time when the army must move forward and occupy the territory and deal with the enemy face to face.

What motivates them to go? I think there are several reasons, but for a soldier in this charge to be of real use he must be convinced that his cause is right and that it is worth dying for. He must be willing to sacrifice himself for the cause.

David sensed that here. He knew his God was a cause worth fighting for. He could run against the enemy because he knew His cause was just. He could leap over walls because he knew that his divine Commander was with him.

Moving forward is scary. It is hard to get up out of the tent or the foxhole and charge into the battle. I read a Facebook status that said a friend was ready to ‘charge hell with a squirt gun.’ I am not so sure about that, I think we might want to be a little better prepared, but I do like the thought.

In Christ we can charge forward in the face of opposition. In Him, and Him alone, we can leap over the walls and keep moving.

The key is ‘in Him.’ In us we are doomed to defeat. In Him we cannot fail.

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