Saturday, 17 July 2010

His way is perfect

As for God, His way is perfect; The word of the LORD is proven; He is a shield to all who trust in Him. – 2 Samuel 22v31

His way is perfect. That sounds pretty simple doesn’t it? It is something that we all would accept at the surface level. Sure, He is God, He is perfect, and so his way is also perfect.

That sounds good until it comes home to us. Is His way really perfect when a loved one is diagnosed with leukaemia? Is His way perfect when we lose a job or can’t find a job? Is His way perfect when a child dies? Is His way perfect when we can see the bottom of the piggy bank with no prospect in sight?

All of a sudden ‘His way is perfect’ moves from the theoretical to the real. All of a sudden it moves from something we teach and preach to something we have to live. All of a sudden it is not quite so simple.

His way if perfect even when things like above come home. The problem is whether or not we have the faith to believe it.

When things go wrong we tend to think that our way is better than His way. We seek out our way and our solutions.

But then think about it. Can our imperfect and flawed way really be better than His perfect way?

As for God, His way is perfect. Always. Everytime. Without fail.

Do we have the faith to believe it?

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